
 Wenner, Lawrence A. Media, Sports, and Society  Newbury Park, CA Sage Publications, 1989.

-                 -Media, Sports, and Society is a book about the huge part sports play in the media world and how it’s constantly growing. This book was made in 1989 so this shows how even twenty-three years ago sports had a large role in the media. Look at it today and how sports has gone way past being viewed on the television and is now all over the internet, facebook, twitter, applications, and phones, and ipads. This will be a useful source because I’ll be able to compare how sports media in 1989 to the social media of today.

Kaplan, Andreas. Haenlein, Michael. Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, Vol. 53, 2010

-                  -This review journal gives incite into the effect social media has on the world and the opportunities it can provide for a business, sports industries, and teams. It also provides information about the numerous ways social media is used today. This will be useful for my project because I will be able to explain how and why social media is now a huge part of the sports world. It is also useful because it informs exactly how social media benefits companies such as sports companies.

Rothschild, Phillip. C. Social Media Use in Sports and Entertainment. International Journal of Festival Management, Vol.2(2), p. 139-150, 2011         

-                  -This article is about how social media is utilized and handled by sports and entertainment in the present day. It discusses how some sports teams/companies use social media to increase revenue and for market strategies. It points out how those who fully understand and have defined social media are the companies that gain the most revenue from it. This article will be useful for my project in that it provides useful information about the methods of use in social media by sports.

 Safko, Lon. The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New Jersey, 2010

-                   - This book is about how businesses can use social media to their advantage in the business world. It is a guide that shows businesses how to utilize the social media world to their benefit. This book will be useful for my project because it will help me better understand why companies such as ESPN, began shifting their focuses toward enhancing its presence in the social networking world. It will also help me to understand the tactics and strategies used by ESPN to make the transition from its television dominance to the social media world.   

Rowe, David. Sport, Culture, and the Media. Open University Press, Philadelphia, 1999

-                     -This article is about how influential and popular sports are in this country and how it  plays a huge role in the culture of the country. Sports is a every day social activity and social media topic is continuing to expand. With the creation of the internet in the 90s, the sports world was able spread even further and so began a new way to experience sports. This article help me explain the cultural aspects of sports and social media.
Huberman, Bernardo A. Romero, Daniel M.  and Wu, Fang. Social networks that matter: Twitter Under the Microscope. Social Computing Lab, HP Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, 2008

-                    -This article is that takes a deeper look into twitter and analyzes its function and the ways and reasons why people use it. It points out that what drives the usage which is a dispersed network of connections of friends and followers. It allows for constant communication with a vast community. This will be useful for my project because it will help me make the connection between sports and social networks.

Joinson, Adam A. ‘Looking at’, ‘Looking up’ or ‘Keeping up with’ People? Motives and Uses of Facebook. School of Management University of Bath Bath United Kingdom, 2008

     -This article analyzes the reasons why people use social networking sites and the gratification they get from using it. They conducted several experiments with 137 facebook users to answer these questions about social networking. This article will be very helpful with my project because it help me to understand and discover how sports became integrated into sports.

Kwak, Haewoon. What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media? Department of Computer Science, KAIST 335 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 2010

-                  -This article studys the functions of twitter and tries to determines what purpose does it serve, and social network site or a news media. This will be useful for my project because it will point out certain traits about twitter that show why it is use in thing like sports news.

Cashmore, Ellis. Sports Culture: An A-Z Guide. Bengry, Erwin. Rutledge Publications, New York, NY 2002.

     - This book is primary is about the role of sports in cultures around the world. The author emphasizes that we all live in culture and each culture is constantly influenced by sports. The notion that sports plays more of a role then most realize is the main message the author is trying to get across. This will help my project in that it will help me better understand the role of sports in culture, and our culture is very much linked to social media.   

Kassing, Jefferey W. Sanderson, Jimmy. Fan-Athlete Interaction and Twitter Tweeting Through the Giro. International Journal of Sport Communication, pages 113-128, 2010

      - This case study is an examination of a cycling tour in Italy and how the fans interacted with the athletes through twitter. The authors tracked the tweets by both the fans and athletes for the whole tour which was 3 weeks. They concluded that twitter help form a immediacy between fans and athletes, which before the time of twitter wasn’t really possible. This case study will probably be my main source of information because it targets my topic exactly. I will use this case study to better understand why social media has become such a large part of the sports world.

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